Robinson Construction Company takes pride in ensuring that quality is built into every aspect of every project.
We understand that one of the major factors for continual success of a design-build construction firm rests with providing an exceptional quality product to our clients; as a result, on final customer satisfaction surveys completed by Robinson’s customers, we have been scored as ‘Exceeds Expectations’ for Overall Quality of Completed Project on nearly every project the company has completed over the past 10 years.
Robinson emphasizes both quality control and quality assurance on all of the company’s projects through implementation of a formal quality program directed by our full-time Quality Control Manager. This program ensures that:
- We are meeting all project requirements - the requirements of the design, the contract, and the client.
- Rework is reduced or eliminated - issues are identified and corrections made as the project evolves rather than at the end of the project. Finding mistakes in the field is not effective quality control; putting the processes and controls in place to prevent mistakes from occurring is our ultimate goal.
- We are continually improving - regular training on quality related topics allows our employees to identify potential issues before they occur. Additionally, the majority of our project management and supervisory personnel have successfully completed the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Construction Quality Management (CQM) for Contractors course.
- Our clients are satisfied – our goal is to build projects of the highest quality; projects that exceed our clients’ expectations. We understand that quality control and productivity are not inversely proportional, as we are aware of the consequences of rework, and more importantly dissatisfied clients.
Robinson Construction Company is dedicated to providing quality projects that our employees and our clients can be proud of. We demand quality construction from both the company’s self-perform work and from subcontractors. We work WITH our clients and deliver quality projects, frequently under nearly impossible schedule deadlines. This is a key reason the company is able to achieve nearly 50 to 70 percent of our yearly revenue from repeat clients.